Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Shooting RAW

It's a sad fact that I've had my camera since October and had never ventured into shooting RAW. I finally decided to see what it's all about. My misgivings about shooting RAW had mostly to do with the dreaded post-processing workflow. I kept reading about the so-called workflow. I am a person who likes to avoid complexity of any kind so the idea of having to add so many steps before having a ready image kept me from venturing into RAW. HELLOOOOOO!!!! I will never shoot jpeg again. I can't believe the possibilities that open up with RAW files! It's a miracle. Having a camera that can shoot RAW and shooting jpeg is analogous to owning a car and just letting it sit in the driveway. But on to the good stuff. Here is a photo of a beautiful baby that I had the opportunity to photograph this weekend. She is a little doll and her mom is super cool. We had a great time and because of the afore mentioned workflow issues coupled with internet issues the last two days, I am only able to post one from the shoot. It happens to be my favorite one though. Told you she was cute!


kathy said...

What an amazing shot!!! Brilliant!!

Caryn said...

that's quite a fine shot!

Anonymous said...

LOVE this shot. The colors, the framing and the sweet moment you managed to capture. Elle