I found my camera cable!!! Yippee!!! I've been going trough blog posting withdrawal. :)
Anyways, our "new" house is on half an acre, It was built in 1977, has been vacant for 10 months, and is totally overrun by spiders. I don't know anyone who likes spiders (except maybe my dad, who is gentle with them, places them on a little paper or a cup and takes them outside) but I loathe them. Last night I was brushing my teeth when I caught some movement behind me in the mirror. I froze as I focused on the beastlike form (not unlike the one I captured in the garden earlier today). Hairy, and stealthy it challenged me to do something. I was bare- footed and therefore totally vulnerable and without a suitable weapon. I tried and failed to kill it with a lotion bottle and it escaped into the heating vent on the floor. I was sure it was going to wait until I was sound asleep to come and walk on my face. ARRGHhhh...ughghghghg.
On a happier note, here are a few from the farm yesterday. A few posts ago I mentioned that I had been working with some texture overlays in photoshop and had promised to post some. These two were overlayed with some textures. I love the effect with the strong color. They remind me of the past.
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