Monday, October 29, 2007

Fall leaves! Family portraits

This session was so much fun! It was kind of spur of the moment. A ridiculously good-looking family with such a great vibe, awesome weather, fall colors, insane light, and loads of energy made this session one of my favorite family sessions ever. I could post all night, but here is just a little teaser for you guys. Had to throw a black and white in there too. You guys know I love my's like, trademark Wendy J. Collins light, ha ha!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI Wendy...

How did you do this? You have captured my family in just a few photographs.

We had such an amazing time on location with you at Summerlake Park. Laughing, playing and being a family. The afternoon could not have been any better. It was meant to be.

How did my babies grow up so fast...!

Thank you again and I can't wait to see the rest.
