I've been thinking a lot about art and finding one's artistic voice lately. It's interesting how different people approach the subject. For me, photography has been purely instinctual. Yes, I took many photography classes at Moorpark College and learned a lot, but most of my learning has come through trial and error. When I'm out shooting, I go more with what feels good, what feels right. I try to understand what my subject is doing and therefore record it as honestly as possible.
One thing I've noticed since beginning to lurk on the online communities out there is how contrived so many images appear. Even though they may be amazing technically, many are not original. There is a definite convention out there. Clients want to see certain types of images. They come to expect them. And yet, as an artist, a unique individual, how does one find one's "eye"? It is so hard. That said, I have come across many photographers who are consistently making unbelievable images. I stand in awe of them.
It is my goal to try as often as possible to let images happen, rather than to force them. There will be the occasional posed shot, the ubiquitous clichéd image, but hopefully my quest will lead me to a "Zen" approach, one of letting go of control, and allowing the camera to become an extension of myself, just seeing and recording what is already happening.
Hopefully with time I will strengthen my artistic eye.