Happy Autumn to you! Here is some eye candy from a recent session. This was a really fun session for me. I went into it wary of the weather, but filled with hope for some sun breaks. The day before it had poured rain the way it tends to do on a typical Portland Fall day. Despite the dismal outlook, I was fully confident that my luck with awesome light would hold out. It did, and then some! I can honestly say that we had a super fun time playing at the park. Little Miss "V" was full of energy and kept me on my toes. We were best friends from the first moment we met. I think she fully read my kid-magnet vibe. Her parents were awesome, totally easy to talk to and felt more like good friends than people I had just met. How blessed were we with this amazing light?! (I hope you enjoy your sneak preview. Let's just say I had REALLY hard time choosing images to blog since I have SO many fantastic ones. Thank you for a beautiful session).