I had the opportunity to photograph these sweet little twins a couple of weeks ago. I was all set to proof and post and then Kian got sick. Again. Shortly after Kian presented with his fever and after several days of him sneezing and coughing on me, on my food, in my face, I came down with it too. I don't know what it is about this winter, but I feel like I've been sick since two weeks before Christmas. It's just been absolutely freezing here in Portland (I know, my mid-Western friends, we can't compare our 31 degrees to your negative temps but still...) At any rate, I am finally feeling like myself again and am almost able to breathe freely. Now if I could just fully regain my hearing, I'll be golden. So finally, here are a few portraits of these lovely boys. Their sister has also been featured here on my blog as I have been lucky enough to have photographed her a few times in the past.
On another note, Brad and I got Kian a beautiful kid-sized table and chairs for his birthday. The thing is that they are raw, unfinished wood. We had this grand idea that we would stain them and paint cool designs on them and give it to him when he turns two. I will be blogging our efforts. Sadly, I think we may have a project bigger than our abilities on our hands. It may make for a fun adventure. It keeps getting bigger in my mind and the more ideas I have, the more I am struck with blank canvas syndrome. What was I thinking? I'm a photographer, not a drawing or painting type artist. Then there are all these other things to consider: Paint or stain or both? What type of paint or stain? Should we burn the design in first? What should the design be? Arghgh. Maybe we'll just stain it red and call it good. Or not. I'm really determined on this one. Ok, gotta go start building my closet organizer. Till soon. Look for pictures of the table progress so you can make fun of us. Who knows, maybe it will turn out killer and we'll amaze ourselves and our friends.