Hello! You will be noticing some changes in the upcoming weeks. First of all, I have a new logo and brand for my business! I am super excited to "unveil" it on my webpage. I am trying out different watermarks for my blog images and would love some input. Finally, I am going to be getting a brand new blog. This one will be a lovely custom blog without the lame 5 picture limit that blogger has (although you can see I found a way around that. Ha! I showed them!)
At any rate, on to the session. I think that I may have seen one too many pregnant women wrapped in gauze and photographed by a window. Perhaps this is why I like to get a little bit more real with these type of sessions. Let's call it "Maternity Portraits without the Cheese.":) Pregnancy can be a completely mixed bag for most women. One moment you can be amazed by your changing form, feel sexy, even. The next moment, you can be crying because your pants won't button and you feel like hurling. Crazy mood swings aside, pregnancy IS a beautiful time in a woman's life. I like the idea of celebrating the changing body and embracing it with portraits that capture who you really are. How often are you wrapped in gauze, anyway? I say, "Eat a cupcake!" "Wear something funky that is truly *you*!" Let's make you look like you're in a magazine.
This session was really special. In my own life, I always long to connect with people on a real level. Malia is an amazing woman. I have admired her for many reasons for as long as I've known her. It was a true joy to be able to capture her on the verge of motherhood, staring the unknown in the face with such courage. Malia, you will be an awesome Mama. I can't wait to meet your little one.