Happy Halloween, Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year...Ok, I think I'm caught up now. Yikes. It has been a busy last few months. Something about having little kids, the holidays, etc. At any rate, last week I had the opportunity to shoot a senior portrait session for an awesome girl, Miss "A". The session had been postponed several times due to weather (we had 20 inches of snow hanging around for a couple of weeks...) and then rain, totally expected this time of year. Still, we held out for a sunny day and last week we finally got one. "A" was a total rock star braving the 39 degrees in a strapless gown. We found a perfect location with some nice rusted out farm equipment and a faded barn (which also doubled as a changing room). I had the greatest time shooting her. In addition to being super cute she had a killer personality and a sweet style. She is also an aspiring photographer so I had to bust out some mad skillz. There were so, so many good ones that it took me forever to choose what to blog. Hope you enjoy your sneak peek "A."