I'm just not ready to give it up. It has been a crazy, busy summer...gone by in a blur. But one of the best summers. There have been so many quintessential summer moments...zoo trips, popsicles, vacation, visits from friends, trampoline fun. One of my favorite summer moments happened while my dad was up visiting. He and Kian and I drove to a nearby field after dinner one day to pick sunflowers. The light was a dream. Those of you who check my blog know that I am in love with backlight. I took many, many photos that perfect evening. I love that I have these photos that capture the spirit of Kian as well as his relationship with my dad whom he calls "Papa." I hope that these photos inspire you to hang on to summer for just a little bit longer.
Check back again at the end of the week for some pictures of Lily. I've got them all proofed and ready to go so that I have something to post. I have resolved to start posting regularly again. I have a plan. Now that Lily is going to sleep so much earlier, I suddenly have a spare half hour every night!